On March 6, 2020, the first case of the new coronavirus (Covid-19) was registered in Colombia. A year later, after government negotiations with the different laboratories developing the vaccine against the virus, vaccination began in our country.

On January 28, 2021, the Ministry of Health published the vaccination plan on its official website, where they prioritize risk groups, and progressively expect to reach 35 million Colombians vaccinated. This plan is divided into 2 phases, the first is made up of 3 stages which are classified as follows:


In the first stage of vaccination, people over 80 years of age will be taken into account.  

all the human talent in the health area who carries out his work in the adult, pediatric and neonatal intensive and intermediate care services, emergency services, laboratories of the National Institute of Health and universities; respiratory therapies, patient care transport and other personnel who are on the front line of care for positive patients for Covid-19.

all the general services human talent, surveillance, guard and administrative that provides its service together with the aforementioned human talent.

All the human talent in health that belongs to the vaccination service against Covid-19.


In the second stage of vaccination, the population between 60 and 79 years of age is taken into account.

all the human talent in the health area, who provide their services in the public and private sectors and who are not classified in the previous stage.

Human talent in the health area that provides its services in prisons and penitentiaries.

Talento humano del área de la Salud pertenecientes a los regímenes especiales y de excepción.

Undergraduate and graduate students in health and related careers.


In the third stage is the population between 19 and 59 who have a disease such as: diabetes, kidney failure, HIV, cancer, tuberculosis, asthma, obesity, among others.

staff associated with el early childhood care, identificados por el ICBF.

Educational staff. Staff in charge of elderly care, active personnel or those in the process of training of the Military Forces, the National Police, prosecutor's office personnel, human talent of funeral homes, crematoriums and cemeteries.

In the second phase of vaccination, priority is given to all staff providing essential services such as lifeguards, firefighters, etc., in addition to flight controllers and air pilots and others, until reaching the entire population of the country.

With the start of vaccination in our country, a light of hope opens up to overcome the pandemic, however, it should not be an excuse to stop taking care of ourselves; resources and special care, as a company that provides the Human Talent in Health service, calls for us to continue complying with biosafety protocols until not a single positive case is reported in the national territory.


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